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Real and fake christianity debate now on twitter.

Written By BNITimes.com | Edited By: Vishal Sharma | Last Updated: Dec 17/12/2022, 1:55 PM IST |Source: Bureu

Christian missionaries are spreading their feet very fast in India and all over the world, but what is the main reason for this, are Christians becoming because they are shown false scripts and they do not have any knowledge about Christianity or Jesus. Even such people are changing their religion and becoming Christian because the main reason for this is the greed for money and the misconception of religion and converting people to other religions by luring them with the miracle of God. “FAKE Christian” is trending, people are running a campaign against selling religion, these people are not from any different religion, they are Christians from ancestors, who call themselves real Christians and those who become Christians after seeing greed, miracles are called Fake Christians.

It is seen in the media how people are trained to act in false miracles, the pastor says something and people shout loudly and then fall down.
Recently there was a case in Telangana in which a mother who herself is a Christian takes her sick son and comes to the priest instead of the hospital believing in the miracle of the priest. Mother’s condition worsened after seeing him die

In many events, this priest fools people by showing such miracles of speaking Ganga to heal the eyes, so it is common in India, but now voices are being raised against it in foreign countries and people are appealed not to fall into the trap of such priests. is being done

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